Holiday time is burglary time - find out how you can protect yourself against burglary © ABUS

Holidays Holiday time, burglary time

Protect your house and flat from burglars while you are away!

Burglars are always "in season", but the absence of residents often provides a favourable opportunity for a break-in. Therefore, avoid clear signs by which a burglar recognises that a house or flat is unoccupied. Our holiday checklist will help you keep your holiday safe. If you follow these simple tips, you can ensure that you don't get a nasty surprise after your holiday.

Ten Tips for more safety 
Our checklist for house and flat

  1. Is your letterbox overflowing with mail while you're away?
    Your letterbox should generally be emptied regularly. You can cancel your newspaper subscription with most publishers for the holiday period. Your neighbour, for example, could take over the regular emptying of your letterbox.
  2. Are the roller shutters permanently pulled down?
    Have them opened and closed regularly using a timer or by a neighbour. If your house is being watched, this will give the impression that the house is occupied.
  3. Are windows and patio doors locked all day?
    The same applies here: let your neighbour ventilate from time to time - this has the side effect that fresh air will be waiting for you after your holiday.
  4. Does the garden run wild during your absence?
    Ask your neighbour to mow the lawn and remove coarse weeds at least every two weeks. He will certainly be pleased if you do the same when he is on holiday.
  5. Is the house not illuminated at any time - neither inside nor outside?
    Timers or sensors that react to light intensity can help here - because intruders often shy away from nothing more than light. However, you should let your neighbours know at what times lights or radios come on automatically - that way they won't set off a false alarm!
  6. Are your rubbish bins never/permanently left on the street for emptying?
    Give your neighbour space in your bin. Perhaps he still has things he wanted to sort out. This will make it easier for you to ask them to take care of your bins too.
  7. Does your answering machine indicate that you are on holiday?
    One phone call is all it takes and the perpetrators know how much time is left. Therefore, choose neutral texts.
  8. Is there a note to the postman on your letterbox, to hand over parcels to the neighbours?
    You should also avoid this. The postman will ask next door anyway to see if anyone is there to accept the parcel. Having a note like that on the letterbox is like an invitation for burglars.
  9. Have you perhaps overlooked locking all additional safety devices separately?
    The best additional safety devices are useless if they are not used!
  10. Are your most valuable items and data stored unsecured in simple cabinets?
    You should keep particularly valuable items in a safe deposit box while you are away and also take photos of them. If something does happen, you will have direct proof for the insurance company.

All questions answered in the negative?

Then we hope you enjoy your holiday. If there was a "yes", take care of this security deficit and increase security while you are away!

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