You can choose between stand-alone and radio smoke alarms
In Germany the legislation requires smoke sensors to be installed in private rooms in bedrooms and on escape routes. Depending on the federal state, there are further regulations that you can look up in the individual state building regulations.
Which smoke detector you can integrate into one of our alarm systems depends on which alarm system you have in use or which one you are planning to purchase. For example, you can couple our FURM35000A wireless smoke detector with our Smartvest DIY entry-level alarm system. The FURM5000 wireless smoke detector is available for our Secvest wireless alarm system. The RM1000 or RM1100 wire smoke detectors can be integrated into our Terxon alarm system.
The recommendation according to the standard is that smoke sensors should be replaced with new ones after about ten years. Please observe our manufacturer's specifications in the operating instructions and the applicable DIN standards.
Normally, the operating temperature of our smoke sensors is between 0 degrees Celsius and 45 degrees Celsius. For exact specifications of your smoke sensor, please refer to the enclosed operating instructions.
No, wall mounting is not possible with any of our smoke sensors. To mount smoke sensors on the wall, you need a special certificate of suitability. This is because it usually makes the most sense to install a smoke sensor in the middle of the ceiling, because that is where fire smoke rises the fastest. However, some local conditions do not allow ceiling mounting. For example, if it is a small hallway with a maximum of six square metres, the ceiling is made of textile and is therefore not firm enough for installation, or the kitchen is also the escape route. In such cases, smoke sensors can be mounted on the wall.
If you buy one of our smoke sensors, a manual is enclosed. You can also find these here on our as a download on the respective product pages. You can navigate to the product via the menu or use the search.
Yes, there are smoke sensors that you can install in kitchens or kitchen areas. Our smoke and heat sensors RWM250 and RWM450 , for example, are among them. They are designed accordingly and can condense water vapour to a certain extent on its way into the interior of the smoke chamber. For example, these smoke sensors can distinguish between the heat from a fire and normal heat generated by cooking.
The smoke alarm obligation for new and existing buildings now exists in all German federal states.
Depending on how it is regulated in the countries, tenants, landlords, building owners or other persons are responsible for installing the small life savers.
Fact is: Since the introduction of the duty, the number of fire victims has dropped significantly*. It is also important to know that most people die from the fumes rather than the fire. Because while you sleep, only your hearing is still awake. That's why all smoke sensors beep so loudly. So that you really get it.
*Statistisches Bundesamt/Wirtschaftswoche, Erhebung „Veränderung der Todesfälle durch Brände nach Bundesländern mit und ohne Rauchmelderpflicht im Zeitraum von 2002 bis 2010“