Unser Kinderwagenschutz MAYA hält lästige Insekten fern © ABUS

Prams & Co. Take a walk

On the road, the pram is a safe haven and refuge: here babies and toddlers can slumber blissfully or curiously observe their surroundings.

Safety through visibility

According to the German Automobile Association (ADAC), anyone wearing reflective clothing or additional reflectors on prams, pushchairs and the like can be seen from up to 140 metres - almost six times earlier than a road user in dark clothing. On your next evening walk, your daily trip to the supermarket or in city traffic, you should therefore equip your pram with luminous accessories. Increase your visibility in darkness, twilight and poor visibility with our pram reflector MIKE or the universal reflector sticker LARA. Attaching them with Velcro or adhesive mechanics is child's play. You can also use the products for dog leashes, bicycles, scooters and much more.  

In wind and weather

Time in nature and exercise in the fresh air make an important contribution to the healthy development of our youngest children: the immune system and the ability to concentrate are strengthened, the stress level is lowered and creativity unfolds - to name just a few positive side effects. 

Paediatricians recommend one to two hours of fresh air per day. There is no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong equipment! With our TESSA rain cover, we offer a robust pram cover that protects against rain, snow and wind. And if the sun irritates sensitive baby skin or flies and mosquitoes disturb the sleep, sun protection LINDA and insect protection MAYA will help. To keep mum and dad's hands free when out and about, they can easily attach the changing bag, shopping bags or handbag to the pushchair with our universal hook HANNA. So nothing stands in the way of the next trip outdoors.

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