The Smartvest alarm panel is the heart of the Smartvest wireless system © ABUS


Making your own home a safe place for yourself and your family is invaluable. Security systems are a worthwhile investment to effectively protect your property and your loved ones at night or when you are away and to prevent break-ins. In addition to security doors and windows, sturdy door locks and locking systems, alarm systems provide additional burglary protection, often preventing break-in attempts in advance.

Find out from ABUS why alarm systems should not be neglected as a security system and how you can feel safer in your own four walls thanks to modern security technology.

Discover the entire Smartvest range © ABUS

All standard alarm systems work according to the same technical principle:

different sensors are used to signal an intrusion into a building or security area. If sensors are used to detect smoke, water or odourless gas, a warning is also given about these hazards, for example, by means of a siren or a call to an emergency call centre.

High-quality basic mechanical security in the form of door bolts, security windows with lockable handles or padlocks is always the first step of a comprehensive security concept for your home. This makes it difficult for unwanted visitors to gain access to your house, flat or shop.

The ABUS Secvest wireless outdoor siren © ABUS

However, as any mechanical security system can be defeated if the perpetrator is left unobserved long enough, the second step of security should be an alarm system. In the event of a break-in or attempted break-in, it triggers an alarm that alerts passers-by, neighbours or even the alarm centre of a security service.

The mere presence of technical security precautions, such as cameras or light sirens, on the house deters many burglars and thus prevents the offence in advance.


A distinction is made between wired alarm systems, wireless alarm systems and hybrid alarm systems. Hybrid alarm systems integrate wireless and wired components into one system.

IP-based danger alarm systems are a new trend: they combine the diverse possibilities of modern network technology with proven wireless alarm technology or wired alarm technology.


Use cases

  • Medium to large properties
  • Private houses
  • Can be integrated in new builds and renovations
  • Commercial




  • Exclusive transmission path
  • Interference-resistant
  • Low maintenance requirements
  • Expansion with wireless components possible
  • Large number of detectors can be integrated
  • High certification in accordance with insurance requirements


Use cases

  • Small to medium-sized properties
  • Private houses (including rental properties)
  • Flats (including rental properties)
  • Small businesses



  • Wireless transmission
  • Can be expanded at any time
  • No need to lay cables
  • Additional components can be integrated quickly and easily
  • Can be installed by you, no installation by a specialist needed
  • Can be taken along when moving house
Individualised security for the whole family - with our Smartvest alarm system © ABUS

Which alarm system is right for you depends primarily on the size of the property to be monitored. Would you like to equip a ground floor flat with window sensors and an alarm control panel? Or secure your business with motion detectors and video surveillance? Do you enjoy working with your hands and are you technically adept or do you prefer to leave the installation of a security system to a professional?

ABUS has the right alarm system for all preferences and needs. For example, a wireless alarm system is better suited to you if you are renting and cannot carry out any structural work on the property or want to protect small properties and objects, while wired and hybrid systems are primarily suitable for larger properties.

Discover the Secvest wireless security window handles to feel even more secure © ABUS

ABUS utilises its many years of mechanical and electronic expertise in the field of alarm technology: As a provider of established security concepts, we offer a range of mechatronic window and door locks as well as alarm detectors that offer one tonne of mechanical resistance to intruders and sound the alarm as soon as an attempt is made to break in. These mechatronic elements are currently available for our Secvest alarm system and provide your alarm system with additional, innovative burglary protection.



A good alarm system is characterised by several important features that are crucial for effective intrusion protection and reliability:

  • Reliable detection by sensors
  • Fast response time
  • Fail-safe thanks to mains-independent backup system
  • Simple operation and customisation
  • Professional installation and maintenance

Optional functions for even more security:

  • Alerting a security service or emergency call and security centre
  • Remote access and notifications via app

A good alarm system should combine these features to ensure comprehensive protection for your home or business and provide you with a high level of security.

A typical alarm system consists of various components that work together to provide comprehensive protection.

Here are some of the most common components:

Discover the Secvest alarm panel and signalling device © ABUS
  • Control unit/control panel:
    The control unit or control panel is the heart of the alarm system. This is where all the information from the various sensors is received and processed. It also controls the alarm system and can be expanded with other security systems such as surveillance cameras or access control systems such as electronic door locks.
Our ABUS sensors to detect more dangers © ABUS
  • Sensors:
    Sensors play a crucial role in recognising danger situations. They include motion detectors, door and window sensors, glass breakage detectors, water and smoke detectors.
The Smartvest wireless siren outdoors © ABUS
  • Sirens/alarm signalling devices:
    Sirens or alarm signalling devices are used to give a loud and clear warning in the event of an alarm. They can be installed as indoor or outdoor sirens to deter intruders and alert residents or neighbours. Alarm signalling devices in the form of LED flashing lights can help security services or the police to quickly identify the house in which the alarm was triggered.
The Secvest wireless keypad © ABUS
  • Control elements:
    Control elements allow the user to activate or deactivate the alarm system or make other settings. These include keypads, remote controls, RFID transponders (chip keys) or modern touchscreen control panels. Some alarm systems also offer the option of control via mobile apps.
Discover the ABUS Z-Wave Gateway © ABUS
  • Communication modules:
    Communication modules enable the exchange of information between the alarm system and external parties such as security centres or notification services. You can establish a connection via the telephone network, the wired Internet or wireless communication standards such as GSM or Wi-Fi.
The ABUS WLAN pan/tilt outdoor camera © ABUS
  • Surveillance cameras: 
    Surveillance cameras are part of a comprehensive security solution and enable both video recording and live image transmission. They are used both to deter intruders and to identify suspicious persons or to monitor certain areas.
  • Backup systems:
    Backup systems, such as battery backups or alternative power sources, ensure the operation of the alarm system even in the event of power failures. They provide additional security and ensure that the alarm system continues to function if the regular power supply is interrupted.

These components can vary depending on the specific requirements and the desired level of protection. It is important to customise the alarm system according to individual needs and have it professionally installed to ensure an effective and reliable security solution.

Whether radio, wireless, with outdoor siren or window sensors: at ABUS you will find various alarm systems that take burglary protection in your home to a new level.

Alarm systems from ABUS:

  • Smartvest wireless alarm system: The Smartvest wireless system is a reliable security system for private households that not only impresses with its smart functions, but is also easy to operate. Installation is quick and you can do it yourself to lay the foundations for a secure home. 
ABUS Smartvest wireless alarm system and ABUS Z-Wave gateway - your home secure and smart


  • Secvest wired and hybrid alarm system: For use in smaller businesses, private flats and houses, this hybrid system not only reliably protects your property against break-ins, but also alerts you to fire, water and other emergencies by means of an alarm. Recommended by the police and certified by VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH for its quality and reliability, this alarm system requires professional installation.
Secvest. The alarm system.


  • Secoris wired and hybrid alarm system:  For professional use in the office, surgery, or company: ABUS Secoris is the reliable, easy-to-operate alarm system. Installed and maintained directly by a specialist – remotely and on site. ABUS Secoris is the EN Grade 2 and 3-certified alarm system for offices and commercial properties. It is the most powerful alarm system from ABUS for companies.


Keep an eye on everything with our ABUS WLAN Dome © ABUS

If you want to combine your alarm system with a visual component in the form of surveillance cameras, you must observe a few legal principles.

In contrast to classic alarm systems, which only record movements, video surveillance systems records images and store them for a limited period of time. Under certain circumstances, however, this can interfere with a person's personal rights and have legal consequences for you.

Before you decide to install surveillance cameras as a supplement to your alarm system, inform yourself in detail about the national and local laws and regulations on video surveillance.

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