Approval mark: When buying, look for the test marks of VdS, DIN or TÜV/Kriwan. Products certified with these test marks have been tested under real conditions and found to be good.
Quality label Q: The independent Q-label guarantees special durability, increased safety and more ease of use: through extended test criteria for the permanently installed battery with at least ten years of service life, the quality of workmanship, fewer false alarms and resistance to environmental influences.
There are smoke detectors with fixed and replaceable batteries. With fixed batteries, the battery life is also the life of the detector. So if the detector warns of a low battery level, you should dispose of it. In most cases, these detectors have a service life of ten years. The nationwide smoke detector obligation stipulates that the little lifesavers must be replaced after ten years - so the smoke detector service life fits exactly into the time window.