Im Notfall schnell reagieren, mit dem FeuerStopp © ABUS

Fire protection guide To extinguish correctly

To be able to act in an emergency, you should know the answers to the following questions: How does a fire start in the first place? How do I extinguish it correctly? Why do I have to pay attention to fire classes when extinguishing?

In this part of our ABUS fire protection guide, you will find rules, tips and information on the following topics:

The most common causes of fire:
Human misbehaviour- Icon
Menschliches Fehlverhalten
Electrical fire - Icon
Open fire - Icon
Offenes Feuer
4.Step ©ABUS

  • With the wind: Attack the fire downwind
  • From the point of origin to the puddle: Extinguish dripping and flowing fires from top to bottom
  • For wall fires: Always extinguish from bottom to top
  • Extinguish in a targeted manner: Aim at the embers, not at the flames
  • For larger incipient fires: Use several fire extinguishers at the same time, do not use them one after the other: Observe the fire site and extinguish again if necessary
  • Ensure replenishment: Replace the fire extinguisher after use

Source: Brandschutz Zentrale 

ABUS fire protection products:
Feuerstopp AFS625

Fire extinguishing spray Fire Stop AFS625



Fires are classified according to their fuel. The flammable substances are divided into fire classes A, B, C, D and F.

Each of these fire classes comprises a specific group of flammable substances, which in turn provides information on which extinguishing agent is suitable. The fire class is marked on extinguishing agents such as a fire extinguisher.

Fire class overview with suitable extinguishing agents:

Brandklasse A © ABUS
Fire classification A

Incendiary material: Solid, non-melting substances
Examples: Wood, paper, textiles, coal, non-melting substances
Appearance: Embers and flames 
Suitable ABUS products: Fire extinguishing spray

Brandklasse B  © ABUS
Fire classification B

Incendiary material: Liquids, melting substances
Examples: Solvents, oils, waxes, melting plastics 
Appearance: Flames 
Suitable ABUS products: Fire extinguishing spray

Brandklasse C  © ABUS
Fire classification C 

Incendiary material: Gases
Examples: Propane, butane, acetylene, natural gas, methane, hydrogen
Appearance: Flames
Passende Löschmittel: ABC Powder, BC Powder. Attention: Only extinguish when the gas tap is turned off or excluded!



Brandklasse D  © ABUS
Fire classification D

Incendiary material: Metals
Examples: Natrium, Magnesium, Aluminium
Appearance: Glut
Suitable extinguishing agents: Metal burning powder, dry sand, cement 

Brandklasse F  © ABUS
Fire classification F 

Incendiary material: Edible fats and oils in deep fat fryers or fat baking devices 
Examples: Edible fat, edible oils 
Appearance: Flames
Suitable ABUS products: Fire extinguishing spray

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