Discover our padlock range and filter out the right one © ABUS

Padlock finder Find one that fits!

Do you need a new padlock for your garden shed, your cellar or your child's locker at school? But aren’t sure which one is best?

16 mm - 110 mm
8 mm - 39 mm
8 mm - 200 mm
2 mm - 15 mm
10 mm - 39 mm
34 mm - 249 mm
5 g - 1210 g


Yes, this is possible in principle. Contact a specialist dealer near you for the right solution.

Yes, you can. With some padlock series, for example the 85 series, individually fitting locking mechanisms can be made for you. For other padlocks, for example 64TI, we always have keyed alike cylinders in stock.  

Among the padlocks that are the most durable are the locks in our Granit series. We have developed them for the highest security requirements. They typically withstand strong attempts to break them open and are ideal for adverse weather conditions. Because snow, ice, salt water and the like usually bother them very little. 

Yes, there are even whole series - you can find them here.  The Granit locks and Diskus locks are also made entirely of steel. Such padlocks can already be classified as ‘high-security locks’, which must have especially high security, for example in industry or commercial shipping. 

No, we do not have any padlocks certified by VdS (abbreviation for the former name ‘Verband der Schadenversicherer’). As a rule, VdS does not certify padlocks as stand-alone products. The situation is different for foreign testing institutes such as SBSC or SKG, which conduct tests on padlocks. SKG is the Dutch foundation for quality in façade construction, Stichting Kwaliteit Gevelbouw in Dutch. The Svensk Brand och Säkerhetscertifiering, SBSC for short, is a Swedish association for theft prevention. 

No, padlocks with XPlus cylinders are unfortunately not available. 

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