ABUS Nachhaltigkeit For Future Generations

We’re embarking on a journey towards a sustainable future, one step at a time

The future is important to us

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We see sustainability as a trifecta of ecology, economy and social affairs that is rooted in our dealings as a continual process. Sustainability is highly relevant to us, which is why we’ve dedicated a special distinguishing mark to this area. The coming generations will profit from these measures in the three areas of environment, economy and social affairs. We’ve assigned a color to the measures in each of the areas for your guidance. 

Info graphic
Info graphic at one glance

Water Bottels

We provide our employees with free mineral water. By switching from plastic bottles to water coolers, we save about 200,000 single-use bottles a year.

Water Bottels

Cardboard Packaging

By making optimizations in logistics, we were able to improve our utilization of cardboard packaging, which helps to conserve resources. The variability of the cardboard packaging we use allows us to better adapt it to packaged goods, which in turn makes it possible to significantly reduce the amount of bubble wrap we use.

Cardboard Packaging


The lights in production halls have been converted to energy-saving LED lights.


Conserving corrugated cardboard

In one year alone, we were able to save over 100 tonnes of corrugated cardboard through an assortment of measures.

Conserving corrugated cardboard


Our locations around the world observe high environmental standards. These especially include recycling and reusing materials and resources (heat, water, raw materials etc.) and avoiding the use of external intermediate transport.

Eco-friendly production

reusable pallets

In one year, we introduced 40,000 new reusable pallets for internal use at our production sites. These have the advantage of being long-lasting and able to be used a countless number of cycles, while the wood pallets that were previously used would be unusable after about max. 5-10 cycles.

reusable pallets


As a manufacturing company, we have a higher rate of consumption of primary energies and resources. When it comes to power procurement, we prioritize having more than 50% of our energy mix be renewable energy, so that we can continually work towards our goal of consistently improving energy use.


ABUS vehicle fleet

In addition to using a variety of electric cars that can be charged on company premises (including for visitors), many employees are active users of the company bike leasing program. For many years ABUS has supported the AOK “Bike to Work” initiative throughout Germany.

ABUS vehicle fleet


Wir haben auf unserem Betriebsgelände in Volmarstein eine Zisterne mit einem Fassungsvermögen von 72.000 Litern installiert. Mit dem Niederschlagswasser werden die Grünflächen auf unserem Gelände bewässert. Auf diese Weise kann aufbereitetes Trinkwasser eingespart werden.



We have a strong commitment to the longevity, quality and functionality of our security solutions, as well as the company mission of “making life a bit more secure”.



We are trying to increase the proportion of our documents which are paperless. Employees will have access to all of their payroll/salary statements in digital format. Order processing should also be handled digitally in the future.



We regularly review our packaging concept for commercial and retail packaging, and make an effort to design these in as eco-friendly a way as possible. This effort is constantly weighed against market requirements in terms of product presentation and theft/vandalism prevention. We are trying to reducing the proportion of plastic as much as possible, but not forgo it entirely. ABUS goes by the principle of “Paper where possible, plastic when useful”. All materials used will be 100% recyclable, allowing them to be put back into circulation.


Made in Germany

We are loyal to Germany as the home of our company and to maximum product quality – Made in Germany. Developed by highly trained specialists, produced with first-class resources and materials. This applies not only to the production location Germany, but is our claim worldwide. This gives all ABUS security products impressive functionality, quality and reliability.

Made in Germany

Product Life

Many of our products are developed with a careful balance of tolerance and precision, and have been produced to last for generations without being replaced in many cases.

Product Life

Financial Resources

The owner’s family has taken active responsibility for the careful handing of financial resources since the company’s founding in 1924. The “Company First” principle has always been adhered to while considering long-term stability.

Financial Resources
Social affairs


ABUS supports sports such as parasports, individual athletes, small and international teams through targeted sponsoring.


Safe Workplaces

Social sustainability includes creating and maintaining good and secure workplaces. To this end, we rely on solid, well-founded training, need-based qualification and the ongoing personal development of our employees. We mentor students doing Bachelor’s and Master’s programs or allow work students to start careers related to their studies.

Education and training

Health Promotion

The health of our employees is very important to us. Fresh food with seasonal and regional products is prepared in our campus cafeterias every day. Our employees benefit from the constant availability of healthy refreshments and - whenever possible - fresh fruit, which helps to encourage healthier eating and drinking habits. With the ability to conduct regular eye testing at the company, we’re taking another action to maintain and improve our employees’ health. ABUS supports DKMS in the fight against leukemia with campaigns for stem cell donor registration and promotes the DRK through various blood donation days at the different ABUS locations.

Health Promotion


The Savemybrain foundation was founded in 2018 as an endowment by Kinderneurologie-Hilfe e.V. ABUS supports this foundation as a donor. The purpose of the foundation is to improve guidance and promote preventive measures for those who have been affected by head injuries.


Social Commitment

At the ABUS Group, we live out the values embedded in the Christian faith. This can be seen in our community involvement in the form of supporting various organizations in and outside the country. We feel connected to our region and the people who live there, leading us to support a number of projects and facilities such as day care centres, volunteer work, volunteer fire brigades and associations. ABUS is just as involved both nationwide and internationally, because we see that as our responsibility too.

Social Commitment

Download the brochure on sustainability:


Do you have ideas or comments? 

Then please contact us at our e-mail address: nachhaltigkeit@abus.de

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